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Alice and White Rabbit receive an invitation from the film festival and set out on their journey to the festival. They have a long way to go but Alice, reading the invitation, is replete with anticipation and happiness.
Thinking Lewis Carroll's story Alice in Wonderland would best express the Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival, the designer projected to Alice as the character with the excitement and anticipation of the PiFan audience.
Illustration is the latest trend that starts from the Internet and spreads to advertisement in the fashion industry. It has become not only an alternative mode of expressing the emotions of the young generation whose expression, language, and other means of communication have become simplified in the modern age which the Internet does not only dominate all communications but also a new code for understanding youth culture.
Kwon Shin-a was chosen to design the official poster in order to represent PiFan 2003 for various reasons. Kwon Shin-a, whose works already has a cult following, is herself an avid moviegoer who has been a devoted PiFan fan. Her design for PiFan 2003 exudes with subtle and unique sensibility and has enough competitiveness to be used for overseas publicity.
With brilliant colors and unique signature style, Kwon Shin-a already has avid devotees. With her fantastic images, rich shades and emotional grace that add a touch of mystery to the illustrations, Kwon Shin-a captures in her images for the PiFan themes of "love," "fantasy," and "adventure."
Poster Designer, Kwon Shin-a
Born 1972, Kwon received a B.A. in French Literature at Sungshin women's university and began her career as illustrator at the monthly Paper. She has since worked as illustrator for various comic book magazines such as Wink, Nine, and Cake, as well as for the webzine Comics Today. Her other works include magazine ads for Channel, Etude cosmetics and visuals for the television ad for Datum, a clothing line for young hip women. The collection of Kwon Shin-a's illustrations Indigo was published in July 2002.